Blizzard Nemo blanketed the Northeast Friday, causing cancellations in flights and schools.
Boston, Mass. was the bullseye of the storm, which prompted Gov. Deval Patrick to institute a driving ban to keep the roads clear.
The roads were dangerous, but having fewer cars on the road allowed for easier snow plowing.
ENC’s campus was closed and classes were cancelled for Friday around 6:15 p.m. on Thursday evening.
Campus was announced as closed until Monday by Dr. Wooster, and students were notified through email by Janie Graves.
According to the National Weather Service, Quincy was hit with 30 inches of snow from the blizzard.
The entire campus lost power close to 10:20 p.m. on Friday.
Food services and the dormitories remained opened and staffed, but many students were left cold in their dorm rooms with no heat or electricity.
Power was restored on campus Saturday evening around 10:20 p.m., shortly after the conclusion of a worship service in Spange Lounge.
A text alert from ENC read: “Power restored. During a student-led worship service power was restored to campus at 10:20pm. We give thanks to God for his provision.”
Around 6 p.m. on Sunday students were made aware that the first two periods were cancelled Monday.
However, early Monday, Dr. Wooster cancelled all classes and campus events for Monday due to limited access to adjacent roads at ENC.