“Only 600 undergrads on campus? Wow, your school is so small!”
How many times have we heard this when describing ENC to people? It’s almost unheard of, going to a school with less than 1,000 people on campus. Even physically we’re small; it takes less than five minutes to walk across the entire campus.
But ENC does not make our “smallness” an excuse for offering anything less to its students. In fact, I think ENC offers more activities and opportunities to its students than other schools of our size. The issue here is that students who complain about how “boring” ENC is are really just lacking the motivation to attend events and to try something new.
If you walk through the Mann Student Center, you’ll see a new bulletin board by the Caf stairs put up last week. On it are all the clubs and ministries you can participate in. Let me say that again: YOU, meaning any student attending ENC, can be a member of these groups. There are more than 20 various groups for all the different kinds of interests you may have. Swimming, hiking, writing, ministering, the list goes on and on.
Clubs and ministries are a great way to enrich your college experience. Being a member provides regular activities that you can attend and be a part of. Many of them meet weekly and plan a few large events each semester. I’m a member of a few clubs on campus and I find myself constantly involved in one activity or another. The thing is, it all starts with you. You have to write your name on the sign-up sheet, you have to make the first move to go to an event.
Even besides clubs and ministries, SGA offers tons of other opportunities to have fun. They try to bring back old favorites, like Battle of the Bands, but also don’t keep things too much the same. This year, the new Humans vs. Zombies game took place. It was a weeklong event that required a lot of time and organization from SGA, especially since it was new. It is completely unfair to blame SGA for any boredom we may be experiencing.
The real issue I see is this: we lack the motivation to get involved. There are so many flyers and mailbox letters full of opportunities to fight boredom, but many of us are too lazy to read them or would rather sit in our rooms and complain.
If you think your life at ENC is boring, it’s not hopeless for you. The opportunities for a fun college experience are at your fingertips; but it all starts with you making the first move.