The past three years have been a trying time for students studying Communication
Arts or Journalism and Writing. With the retention rate for professors being extremely low,
generalized classes and a lack of passion in the classroom, many students feel like they are going
into the world underprepared with basic knowledge. Last Wednesday an open forum for
Communications majors, as well as an online forum, was opened. Students had intense opinions
about former professors and class structure. Current professors who facilitated this meeting also
shared their frustrations and expressed their desire to find a professor who could bring life back
to these programs.
Sophomore Emily Bloodsworth, who studies both Theatre for Social Justice and Journalism and
Writing, shared how she feels compelled to focus on journalism and that her one creative class
was wasted on poetry. “I’d really like to see just more options,” Bloodsworth stated when asked about the
changes that could be made, “that way, no matter what side of the program you’re coming here
for, you will have enough options for whatever you want.” When asked about the turnarounds of
professors, Bloodsworth recalled visiting the college for Preview Day as a senior in high school and meeting one professor, and then being greeted by someone entirely different in the fall as a freshman. She
stated it was more about “getting through classes” than actually learning last year and
doesn’t feel prepared in both journalism and writing. A change Bloodsworth would wish to see is
academic tracks, “because Communications is so broad. For example, if someone wants to study
film they won’t get everything they need.”
ENC is looking to hire a new, qualified full-time professor for next fall. Instead of rushing to
find someone who can just fill the position, care and consideration are being taken on their part
to ensure whoever they hire is the right fit. Taking the time to hear from students about their
needs and wishes for this department was a step in the right direction. Imagine how many more
students would feel passionate about journalism and communications if they had a professor who felt the same way.