The Veritas News staff has been selected for the 2013-14 academic year. Both current Editor-in-Chief Cody Shepard and Copy Editor Julianne Atwater are returning, while Amy Wetzel will join the staff as the other copy editor.
“This is the first time any of us can remember there being a two-year editor,” said Shepard regarding his continuation of the position next year.
He started writing for the Veritas News his freshman year, and last year took on the role of copy editor before earning the position of editor-in-chief for the 2012-2013 academic year. Shepard hopes to continue to build on the foundation he and his staff created this year.
Julianne Atwater, a junior journalism and writing major, has been selected as a copy editor for the second straight year. Atwater began writing for the Veritas News last year and had edited the Honor’s newsletter during her freshman year.
“I’ve had a lot of experience; I’ve been a writing tutor for a long time … I’m a journalism major, so I’ve taken all kinds of courses on writing,” said Atwater.
Atwater said she gained valuable experience this year that will aid her in continuing her role next year.
Sophomore journalism and writing major Amy Wetzel will be the other copy editor on the Veritas’ executive staff next year.
Wetzel started writing for the Veritas News last year and is the current sports editor for the newspaper. Taking a lot of journalism classes has taught Wetzel how writing and editing go hand-in-hand. As the only new staff member next year, Wetzel is eager for the job and excited for the opportunity it provides.
She will be able to learn from Shepard and Atwater, stating that, “If I stay in the position for my senior year, I will be able to be the experienced one.”
Responsibilities vary between the different editors and each editor is in charge of completing different tasks.
As editor-in-chief, Shepard’s responsibilities include generating story ideas and hiring and maintaining a staff. Another main responsibility is creating a budget at the beginning of the year and sticking to it.
Shepard mentioned that the newspaper will print fewer issues next year as a result of transitioning online, and that he will be responsible for creating the layout for those print issues. Shepard redesigned the newspaper last summer.
As for the copy editors, their job is to make the content as presentable as possible.
“Every piece in the newspaper is our responsibility,” said Atwater.
As copy editors, Atwater and Wetzel are accountable for the quality of the work that is published. It is also the copy editors’ job to help writers improve their writing skills and to become better writers.
Since the newspaper will be moving mostly online, editing responsibilities will be much more time consuming.
“I’m ready to edit every day,” said Wetzel.
The new staff will begin training this semester to be ready for the 2013-14 academic year.