Most of you have already made up your mind about this year’s election. Many of you have sent in your absentee ballots and others have decided not to vote. Whatever the case is, the Veritas News believes it’s important for everyone to be educated. We have not and will not endorse a candidate this election. We will, however, suggest this: take a look at all the issues and make an informed decision.
Today is generally considered the most divisive day in our country, and it occurs every four years. Rather than picking a candidate based on past beliefs or voting for the person your parents are voting for, make your own decision. It’s your right. It’s your duty.
That is our goal this issue. We have provided you with more information and viewpoints than many of you need, but if any of you are voting today and you still aren’t sure who to cast your ballot for, take a look at this issue.
On page three you will find information sourced directly from both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney’s websites. Take a look at their plans. On page five we offer opposing viewpoints from two of your fellow students. One student endorses Obama, while another picks Romney. These articles detail why their authors believe that each candidate is best for students. And finally, page six begs the question: which way do you lean? Are you conservative? Are you liberal? Why do you believe what you believe?
Finally, one big difference you will notice is that this Election 2012 issue is online, and it’s the first time the Veritas News has ever published a web version The company that prints our paper is located in Neptune, N.J. and was without power until yesterday due to Superstorm Sandy. They are still trying to get back up and running fully, though, so the administration kindly granted us permission to post this issue online. Please don’t neglect to take a look at the PDF of issue 5, which displays the paper as it would have looked in print. If you prefer reading the print version of the newspaper, read the PDF. All of the stories are in the layout and there is a two-page election spread to help you make an informed decision today.
It is our hope that future issues of the Veritas News will be published both online and in print, so if you like having the option of reading your student newspaper online, be sure to let us know. And, as always, we appreciate any feedback in the form of letters to the editor. Now, go out and vote!