So you’ve gained a little weight…
No worries! Everyone’s body goes through something different during their college experience. Whether you’ve encountered the “Freshmen 15” or the “Senior 30,” there are many ways you can trim down to your desired, healthy weight.
First of all: get motivated. If you don’t like something about yourself, change it – if it’s for you. Don’t change for anyone but yourself. You can fit back into those jeans from high school. You can look at your toes again. You can feel healthier. Follow these tips to help get you started.
- Join a sports team or club
Joining a sports team will keep you in shape. Most athletic clubs at ENC have a strict academic policy, so keeping up good grades shouldn’t be too much of a struggle. Not to mention you can burn mega calories while having fun with your new athletic friends.
- Make a daily exercise plan
You should plan to squeeze in time for a daily workout amongst your busy college schedule. Some health experts suggest working out for at least an hour every day. This habit is guaranteed to keep those extra pesky pounds off.
- Eat your greens and raw foods
Greens and raw foods are not only the best thing for you, but they boost your immune system. No more catching everyone’s sickness and no more queasy stomachs. Learn to love your veggies and your body will love you back. Aim to consume 5 servings a day.
- Drink plenty of water
Water should become your new best friend. Between the cafeteria food and those late night snacks, water should be guzzled in large amounts. The average human should be drinking about eight, eight ounce servings of water a day. Have eight to ten glasses of water a day. Drinking water is also good for skin and relieving bodily acids and toxins.
- Massage the dimpled zone
Cellulite occurs on bodies of all shapes and sizes. It is always a good idea to indulge in a body wrap or a massage cream. A body wrap can tighten and smooth out unwanted cellulite areas. Another option is to invest in a massage cream that contains caffeine. This product can help quickly tighten skin to give you a cellulite-free look.
Now that you have some ideas on how to avoid the “Freshmen 15,” it is up to you to do the work. Good luck!