In 2006, a documentary film titled “An Inconvenient Truth” took our nation by storm, bringing the dangers of “global warming” to the public’s attention. Directe...
Many students attending ENC have been awarded a merit-based scholarship, which is accompanied by a minimum grade point average that must be maintained. When a s...
OUR TAKE: Start standing up, making noise, and defending our home court
When a team sees Eastern Nazarene College on their schedule, they need to dread the ent...
Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, Aurora Theater, Sandy Hook Elementary School — they all have one thing in common: people walked into those places and neve...
About a month and a half ago, an unspeakable tragedy pierced the morning in Newtown, Conn.
We know the story well and we pray for everyone whose lives were cha...
Most of you have already made up your mind about this year’s election. Many of you have sent in your absentee ballots and others have decided not to vote. Whate...
Today’s college students are now in the midst of the first election they have a chance to vote in. Out of all the issues that are discussed and debated in this ...
Young voters today face the choice of which candidate will be most beneficial to today’s college students as they look to enter the workforce.
As we look acros...