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– Loving Veritas News online!
– Nice and sunny out … blizzard.
– I don’t get tennis. It’s like they don’t understand the meaning of love.
– Smart cars! What’s with them? They’re cars that are smart! “I’m a car, and I’m … so smart, I’m a smart car”
– Snow, snow, go away, come again another day!
– This year for the Gould Lectures they tried something new: an interesting speaker!
– Why is FOL never during spring break?
– What ever happened to the weekly specials at the Dugout?
– Why is everyone obsessed with Pokemon? I thought we were too old for that when we got into 4th grade.
– Do profs really expect us to come to our 11 o’clock class after a delayed start?
– Why couldn’t they put advising day on Thursday before Easter break?
– I have a dream that someday SDO will fix the dryers in the Underground.