ENC's women's tennis won their first conference match in four years on Sept. 6.
Playing Curry College at the home courts, ENC won the match 5-4, giving them ...
Biology professor Jonathan Twining will be traveling to Costa Rica and Idaho this summer with Northwest Nazarene University professor Dr. John Cossel.
From J...
The Engineering Department's Dr. Pierre-Richard Cornely is planning a summer trip to Haiti for ENC students to implement earthquake prediction methods.
If you're in A Cappella or Gospel Choir, this may not come as a surprise to you, but let's be open about it: There is an obvious animosity between the two choir...
Amy Wetzel/The Veritas NewsAthletic Director Dr. Nancy Detwiler decided to close the Fitness Center at 10 p.m. last week after weeks of misuse by students.
ENC's annual encouragement week is this week, Nov. 18-23, and will feature different events each day.
Senior Danielle Wilson, director of student ministries,...
Andrew Littauer/The Veritas NewsArt Director Hannah Dawber works on the literary magazine.
The idea for an ENC Literary Magazine centered on issues of socia...
“Only 600 undergrads on campus? Wow, your school is so small!”
How many times have we heard this when describing ENC to people? It’s almost unheard of, going...
Photo by Sarah GoodProfessor Giles is the executive director of the CRJ.
The Center for Responsibility and Justice is taking their program in a new directio...