The Thanksgiving narrative is one of peace, with pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a bountiful feast and creating an everlasting friendship. The harsh truth...
Team Trees is a huge fundraiser put together by YouTubers Mr. Beast and Mark Rober, aiming to plant 20 million trees by 2020.
These two influencers teamed up...
On Friday, October 25, ENC had the honor of hosting three events with Fulbright Scholar Dr.
Kendra Reynolds. Dr. Reynolds is originally from Northern Ireland a...
Sophomore Service Days, with their recent inception, are a great way to get involved with the community and serve the people of God’s kingdom.
Sophomore Clas...
The Worship Arts major is a program run by Reverend Dr. John Nielson, who is also the Director of Music for the college. When this major was introduced, and eve...
It’s that time of year again, when the Office of Spiritual Development announces the 2019-2020 Fusion trips. Shelby Robinson, the Service and Missions Engagemen...
Tara Brooke Watkins has been working all summer with student volunteers and industry professionals to get the new dance studio and black box theatre on their wa...