ENC’s Learning Commons, also known as Nease Library, is making gradual changes to make resources more accessible to students. The most recent changes include the addition of an online e-book database called ebrary, the use of Libcal, a lounge area on the ground floor, the addition of the Center for Academic Success on the ground floor, and HD TVs with Blu-Ray and DVD players found in the study rooms on the first floor.
Ebrary is an online database offering students unrestricted access to available academic texts and even supplemental textbooks. At least six textbooks found in various ENC class syllabi have been confirmed in this database.
Erin McCoy, librarian for instruction and digital media, encourages students to use this resource, saying, “Your textbook is online — use it.”
Libcal is an online resource introduced with CAS in order to book a time to take an exam, and see where and when different SI sessions are. Students can also reserve study rooms in advance at www.enc.libcal.com.
The newly-equipped study rooms on the first floor allow students to watch a video for class or to hook up to their computers to practice multi-media presentations. Cables can be borrowed from the iDesk.
“I like that the services are consolidated into one area, so I don’t have to run from one building to another,” said CAS employee, and frequent library patron, Kelsey Waddle.
All of these changes are part of what has been going on for the past few years to better student use of the library. The inclusion of Informational Technology Services on the first floor in the spring of 2011 allows students to access help and resources all under the same roof. While ITS and Nease offer different services, their overall goal is the same: to help students.
Between the summer and fall of 2011, the first floor was redesigned into the Learning Commons with the inclusion of the iDesk, eight iMac computers, and what McCoy calls, “a new breed of student employees.”
If you ever have a question, you can always “Ask a librarian.”