Starting my freshman year, I tentatively liked ENC but was extremely frustrated with certain policies and procedures that comes with attending a Christian campus. I was fearful of being judged and unaccepted if I revealed who I truly was, and I struggled to find what I ultimately wanted to gain out of  this experience.

As time went on, even though I began to create emotional and scholarly bonds, I still had a nagging feeling like this campus was not the right place for me.

The turning point came a few semesters ago, when I found my place in theatre. I spent a semester in California studying film through an ENC study-abroad program, and while I was away I realized how much I can do through my school; simply having a different experience gave me an opportunity to share it with my community.

I’ve come to discover that with every student on our campus, there is a unique and different story. In order to have a community that faithfully reflects each of those stories, all departments on campus need students to share and get involved.

In discovering my purpose of change and making a difference, I ran for SGA.

The Student Government Association is an area on campus where students lead and work to make a difference. Whether through Executive SGA or class councils, members of the student government consist of people who take time out of their education to create a meaningful experience for students on campus, as well as alumni and prospective students.

Unfortunately, the existence of elected officers has contributed to a false assumption that SGA is a department on campus that the general student population should not bother with, while that’s actually the exact opposite. Students should be involved with SGA because doing so can provide them with new opportunities to create change on ENC’s campus.

SGA strives to develop student leaders in all areas of campus and takes that responsibility very seriously. The smallest things can help in the biggest ways, and there are always opportunities to get involved in SGA’s mission to make our school an even better place.

Joining SGA helped me find my place in this community, and my involvement on campus has changed my view of ENC, for the better.


Frankie Bruny, a senior at ENC, is the Director of Publicity for ENC’s Student Government Association.