Last week, Dr. Mary Paul of Point Loma University led ENC’s annual fall revival. Over three days, Paul delivered four services centering on continuing a bond with God through one’s actions.
Through emphasis on Bible passages and a Christian’s continuing relationship with God, Paul connected four separate aspects of life and related them back to a central message: Your actions directly affect and influence your relationship with God.
Wednesday morning brought a sermon centering on a passage from Acts. With a heavy importance placed on water and baptism, the sermon called on listeners to live life as though they were just baptized, taking the word of the Lord and extending His grace to everyone. The sermon discussed Christians’ need to allow God’s grace to baptize them every day and let His waters flow through them every day.
The Rev. Stanley Porter, chapel team coordinator, led the Wednesday night service in song. Paul then took over, reading a passage from Matthew 6. The sermon focused on forgiveness and how God speaks through forgiveness.
Wednesday night’s deeply personal service centered on the power of one’s forgiveness for others, ultimately leading into a discussion of the Father’s forgiveness for every one of his children.
Opening with a passage from Acts 1, the Thursday night service placed an emphasis on risk and how God can only transform your life if you are willing to take the risk.
“It’s a beautiful work of holiness to say yes, and to walk while not understanding why,” Paul said.
The final service on Friday morning began with a reading of Matthew 5 and led to a discussion about the power of words.
Through an activity with pieces of red paper, students were called to write down harmful words they have given or received. This was supposed to be an apology of sorts, to begin to heal and begin a new life.
Sophomore Jessica Johnston attended all four services.
“All the services were extremely relatable and had an important meaning,” Johnston said. “They were extremely fun to attend, and the relaxed and personal tone of Dr. Paul’s sermons was perfect for revival.”