The cast and crew of ENC’s upcoming “James and the Giant Peach” have begun their rehearsals for February’s theater production. The production will take place Feb. 13-18.
Since it is geared toward children, “James and the Giant Peach” is different from recent ENC theater productions.
Director Tara Brooke-Watkins says this type of theater—”children’s theater”— has two definitions.
“You have either adults performing for children, or children performing on stage. We are doing both. So, college students are performing for children in the audience, but we also have eight children cast in the show,” Watkins said.
According to Watkins, the set design is based on the question, “How can a child create these things?” Everything on stage, including the iconic giant peach, will be made to look like it is right out of a child’s imagination.
Watkins tells audience members to “expect to step into a child’s imagination. Expect to remember what it was like being a child in an art class.”
Tickets are now being sold online at The cost of general admission is $10; seniors and non-ENC student tickets are $8, and ENC students and children 12 & under are $5.
Following “James and the Giant Peach,” auditions will be held for the Greek tragedy “Madea,” which will be performed April 10-12.